supports the actions of the association
"La cravate Solidaire"
The association "La cravate Solidaire" is a network of associations, recognized as being of general interest, which works for equal opportunities.

La cravate Solidaire is a network of associations, recognized as being of general interest, which works for equal opportunities. Its objective is to fight against discrimination in hiring, in particular that related to physical appearance.
Since 2012 in Paris and since 2015 throughout France, it has supported people in (re)integration towards the success of their professional projects.
The mission of La Cravate Solidaire is above all to enable people in precarious situations to pass their interviews in the best conditions. Thus, restoring confidence and ensuring that they appropriate the company's codes in a concrete and innovative way are part of our method.
But La Cravate Solidaire is also a network of associations that takes concrete action to change the outlook and practices of recruiters, through awareness-raising actions.